The legalization of medical marijuana continues to build momentum. Just this past week, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill making his state the 23rd to allow medical marijuana.
With nearly half of US states and the District of Columbia now allowing marijuana for medicinal purposes, use of the drug is projected to increase.
Recent analysis on the American marijuana marketplace by ArcView Group, an investor network group which focuses on marijuana related investments, forecast a 64-per-cent surge in the legal U.S. cannabis market to $2.34-billion in 2014. It also estimates that the five year national market could grow to $10.2 billion amid rising demand.
This possible growth would only add to the challenges law enforcement already faces when it comes to marijuana, particularly with the potential for a growing number of individuals who drive while under the influence of the drug. Marijuana is one of the most widely admitted substance of intoxication among roadside surveyed drivers.
In an article from HealthDay reporter Dennis Thompson, it stated:
“Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana,” said co-author Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia. “If this trend continues, in five or six years non-alcohol drugs will overtake alcohol to become the most common substance involved in deaths related to impaired driving.”
…The statistics included more than 23,500 drivers who died within one hour of a crash between 1999 and 2010.
In an endnote to the study, the researchers pointed to several limitations with the research. One is that marijuana can be detected in the blood up to one week after use. And, therefore, the researchers said, “the prevalence of nonalcohol drugs reported in this study should be interpreted as an indicator of drug use, not necessarily a measurement of drug impairment.”
While it is hard to measure the exact contribution of drug intoxication to driving accidents, fatal crashes involving people with marijuana in their system (discovered via saliva, urine or blood, which can stay in the body for days after drug use) have tripled during the last decade – according to researchers from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.
What’s more, given some of the new and lax laws regarding marijuana use, particularly the drug’s full on legalized recreational use in Colorado and Washington, barrier to entry for drugging and driving has arguably decreased.
Just this year, medical marijuana was legalized, nationwide, in Canada. Medical marijuana is legal across 23 US states.
Bottom line: marijuana has become more accessible and, largely speaking, using the drug has become more socially acceptable. With such adoption comes heightened risk for abuse…
Politics aside, the majority of us likely agree that people should not be driving or operating heavy machinery under the influence of a drug such as marijuana, which has been proven to alter perception and decrease reaction time for many.
After using marijuana, people generally have more trouble staying in lanes, they struggle to do multiple tasks at once, and there’s a real problem maintaining concentration on long, monotonous drives, according to Marilyn Huestis, Ph.D, Senior Investigator at the National Institute of Drug Abuse.
With that stated, law enforcement faces one heck of a challenge keeping ‘drugged drivers’ off the road and more specifically, getting successful convictions against such offenders (given traffic law enforcers’ current tools). Many US states have made it a criminal offence to operate a motor vehicle while a driver’s ability is impaired by the consumption of marijuana (zero tolerance laws); others allow a certain level of marijuana to be in one’s system.
Preventing and deterring drugged driving has become a real challenge for law enforcement.
Despite such laws, statistics show that driving after drug use is not uncommon and is more prevalent amongst young people than driving after consuming alcohol. The reasons are due to either complete ignorance or simply because drugged drivers don’t fear the consequence of being pulled over.
Many also argue that they have a higher tolerance for marijuana than most, and that it doesn’t impair them from driving whatsoever. Regardless, traffic laws can not be administered with a different set of rules according to each person and their individual tolerances. A median has to be found and used to administer rules to society. When States and Provinces grant drivers the privilege of driving on public roads, the privilege is granted with the condition that they will drive within the rules that are set forth. The minimum rule for THC that has been determined in Colorado and Washington is 5 nano grams of THC per milliter of blood.
Law Enforcement Challenges
It can be very challenging for an officer to put together a solid case, and get a conviction in the court of law, against someone who was driving high on marijuana. Often times, particularly in Canada, someone who is caught driving while suspected of being high on marijuana receives nothing more than a 24 hour driving suspension. As opposed to the main tactic for catching drunk drivers, there is currently no breathalyzer for marijuana being used in law enforcement…
Blood, urine and saliva samples are currently the main scientifically measurable way for an officer to find out if a driver has marijuana in their system; and, given that marijuana can stay in the bloodstream or urine samples for days after use, it often doesn’t hold up in the court of law, even if the driver did have the drug in their system.
Furthermore, asking a suspected drugged driver for a blood, saliva or urine sample is viewed as invasive of an individual’s rights to freedom and unreasonable search. As such, law enforcement is only permitted to use bodily substance samples in limited scenarios, often requiring a search warrant. Lastly, current roadside sobriety tests are often viewed in the court of law as an opinion of an officer – leaving plenty of room in the court’s eyes for reasonable doubt. There is a major flaw in the system when it comes to enforcement against drugged driving.
While tolerance levels amongst users of marijuana can vary, use of the drug often leads to cognitive and psychomotor impairment resulting in altered perception, slower reaction time, short-term memory malfunction as well as loss of attention and motor skills. Although fiercely debated by some, marijuana impairs individuals in much the same way alcohol does, according to Jonathan Adkins, deputy executive director of the Governors Highway Safety Association.
For better or for worse, marijuana is evolving into a socially accepted drug. It could eventually be legalized (to some extent) across much of North America in the next decade. As such, enforcing laws against drugged driving is paramount to traffic safety. In a great article from NPR on the current challenges law enforcement faces when trying to determine if a driver is under the influence of marijuana, State Trooper and certified drug recognition expert Nicholas Hazlett stated “I wish we did, but no, we don’t have a marijuana Breathalyzer.”
One former Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer wants to change that. And when he contacted Pinnacle Digest, informing us of his company’s early-staged technology, the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer, which is currently in the patent pending stage, we set up a meeting to learn more about his team’s developing technology…
The Cannabix Breathalyzer: A Potential Law Enforcement Game Changer
Before we get into the investment opportunity related to the Cannabix Breathalyzer, it’s imperative that we explain how it came about.
In May 2010, a Swedish Medical University, The Karolinska Institute, published the findings of a new technique that makes drug testing possible by way of exhaled breath. The study was published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology.
The study was led by Dr. Olof Beck of the Karolinska Institute and determined that drug users could be tested for recent drug use by analyzing a sample of the drug user’s exhaled breath.
The exhaled breath testing, conducted by Dr Beck’s team, used the presence of aerosol particles in exhaled breath. Without getting too technical, the aerosol particles are formed from the respiratory tract lining fluid during normal breathing. In this aerosol fraction, both lipids and peptides (i.e. molecules which include fats, waxes, acids) of endogenous origin have been demonstrated. In addition, exogenous compounds such as THC (the principle pyschoactive component in marijuana – in other words, what gets people high, often altering their state of mind) have also been identified. The collection of these particles allows detection of recent intake of THC. This breath testing was clinically tested by Dr. Beck and the National Institute of Drug Abuse in the US. The test determined that:
“Breath testing may offer an alternative matrix for testing for recent driving under the influence of marijuana, but is limited to a short detection window (0.5 hour-2 hours).”
This limited time frame may be well suited for law enforcement roadside tests and potential criminal prosecution as time of marijuana use, in relation to operating a motor vehicle, is important for a conviction. It could also be useful when testing individuals who are to engage in tasks requiring complete sobriety in the workplace.
Kal Malhi, the former RCMP officer mentioned above, formed the private company Cannabix Breathalyzer Inc. to advance the breath testing study by the Karolinski Institute. It is worthwhile to note that, during his time as a Mountie, Mr. Malhi worked for several years with a drug squad.
Cannabix Breathalyzer Inc. was co-founded by Mr. Malhi and Dr. Raj Attariwala. Dr. Attariwala is a Vancouver based dual board certified Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine physician certified in both Canada and the United States. The company has patents pending on a technology for a breath testing device that uses exhaled breath to determine if test subjects have consumed marijuana within two hours preceding the test.
You may be wondering how all this plays into the public markets. Why do we care about a marijuana breathalyzer technology in the development stage, outside of the potential traffic safety features?
Well, our new client and Featured Company is West Point Resources (BLO:CSE); and just last month, West Point finalized a definitive agreement with Cannabix Breathalyzer Inc. to license the North American Rights to the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer (click here for press release and here for more details on transaction).
Additionally, both co-founders of the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer, Mr. Kal Malhi and Dr. Raj Attariwala have taken roles with West Point. Mr. Malhi has become West Point Resources’ President, while Dr. Attariwala is the company’s Chief Engineer. Mr. Malhi also brought on Dr. Bruce Goldberger as a Senior Advisor for West Point. Dr. Goldberger has quite the track record as well. He is a professor, and the director of toxicology for the Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine in the College of Medicine at the University of Florida. Dr. Goldberger is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Analytical Toxicology; the president of the American Board of Forensic.
Like many startup technologies, it is important to understand that the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer is in the patent pending stage, with a prototype being constructed. Further testing, engineering and scientific reviews will be necessary if this is to make it to market and in the hands of law enforcement.
Marijuana Breathalyzer Gains Media Attention
Prior to West Point Resources’ first trading day on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE), which was June 26th, Mr. Malhi, president of West Point, and the other co-founder of the Cannabix Breathalyzer, Dr Raj Attariwala were featured on CTV Vancouver news. Click on the image below to watch:
Former Mountie join forces with doctor to create marijuana breathalyzer

The media attention for this marijuana breathalyzer hasn’t stop there, either. Many prominent publications have featured the technology and its potential applications in recent weeks:
Huffington Post Canada: Marijuana Breathalyzer Invented By Former B.C. Mountie
The Globe and Mail: B.C. duo aims to detect drug-impaired drivers with breath testing
RT: Canadians invent weed breathalyzer to catch drivers
VICE: Why Stoners Should Want To Implement The New Weed Breathalyzer
VICE: Pot Breathalyzer Is on the Road to Becoming a Reality
Yahoo News Canada: Canadian-made marijuana breathalyzer could be right around the corner
If proven to work, The Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer is not meant to be the stand alone tool used to prosecute marijuana impaired drivers. The goal is for it to be an additional tool used to improve the rate of successful prosecutions of drugged drivers. As is the case with any successful prosecution, multiple forms of evidence is often required for a conviction. In other words, the totality of the situation must be answered. The Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer is intended to be coupled with cumulative evidence, such as erratic driving or swerving, drivers demeanor, speech and response, etc.
In an article about the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer, released June 19, 2014, Paul Best of reported:
“If the Cannabix is all that it is cracked up to be and is actually capable of determining whether someone is too high to drive, then the pot-loving community should support its implementation in law enforcement. Having a legitimate means of measuring marijuana intoxication would unclog court dockets, lead to safer roads (even though traffic fatalities have decreased since marijuana was legalized), and allow cannabis consumers to travel unencumbered by the fear of getting pulled over by a cop that could potentially give them a DUI even though they are stone sober.”
Trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE)
Shortly after announcing it had entered in to a definitive agreement with Cannabix Breathalyzer Inc. to license the North American rights to the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer, West Point Resources (BLO:CSE) began trading on the Canadian Securities Exchange on June 26th, 2014 under the ticker symbol ‘BLO’. Since listing on the CSE, West Point Resources has been relatively heavily traded; and on several recent days it was the most active volume stock on the Canadian Securities Exchange. Furthermore, since the company began trading on the CSE, its shares have performed very well, rising substantially in value. This sudden interest in the company, just days into trading on the CSE, was somewhat of a surprise to us.
We hoped that, given the time of year, we would have been able to introduce the company before it received significant investor attention – not the case. West Point’s ten day average volume is hovering around 1 million shares per day. Despite listing on the CSE at the start of summer, a historically quiet time for the markets, West Point has traded as low as $0.145 and as high as $0.32 since June 26th on several millions shares in volume. It currently sits at $0.26.
West Point Resources recently closed a private placement financing – which we participated in – raising approximately $787,000 at $0.05 per unit (All of the securities issued in the private placement will be subject to a securities law hold period of 4 months and a day ending on November 1, 2014).
The recent funding raised by West Point Resources was important. In the company’s investor presentation it lays out development timeline goals and objectives, leaving the potential for an active fall and winter 2014/2015.
Note: The above timeline is general in nature and can change without notice.
Excerpt from the Delta Optimist article released on June 13, 2014 regarding the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer:
“After just six months of research and development, Malhi already has patents pending on the device and has signed on with a medical device manufacturer to develop a prototype.
He said he’s hoping to have the Cannabix licensed in another six months and will look at marketing it in North America.
Malhi said many people, especially the younger generation, view driving after smoking marijuana as acceptable.
“Our society is changing our views on marijuana, it’s becoming legalized in many states… young people have no fear of driving after smoking.”
Given West Point Resources’ (BLO:CSE) limited duration of trading history since acquiring the license to North American rights for the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer and listing on the CSE, combined with the fact that the stock has seen substantial volume and share price appreciation in recent weeks, it’s very difficult to guesstimate where this stock will establish support. West Point Resources is a client of ours and we own shares in the company, so consider us extremely biased.
Like most micro-cap stocks and new technology plays in similar early stages of development, there are inherent risks involved with West Point Resources and the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer, so please be sure to learn more about what those risks are by conducting your own thorough and independent due diligence.
Despite the speculative nature, we strongly believe in the mission behind the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer, both from a business perspective as well as a road safety initiative.
In an article from the Globe and Mail, written by Jessica Leeder and published on May 20, 2014, it reported:
“There seems to be this lax view that smoking a joint and grabbing the car keys is okay. It’s mind-boggling,” said Marc Paris, the executive director of Partnership for a Drug Free Canada, a non-profit advocacy group. In a recent study, one-third of teenage respondents considered smoking marijuana before driving less risky than drinking. “To our surprise, one quarter of parents agreed,” Paris, said, adding: “At the end of the day, impaired is impaired.”
We will have further updates on West Point Resources (BLO:CSE) over the coming weeks, and hope to conduct an exclusive podcast interview with its President Kal Malhi, the retired RCMP officer and co-founder of the Cannabix Marijuana Breathalyzer, shortly. Stay tuned…
All the best with your investments,
Members of Management, Directors and Advisors
Kal Mahli, President and Director
Mr. Malhi is a Vancouver based entrepreneur and the founder of Cannabix Breathalyzer Inc. Mr. Malhi is a retired member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and is also President of BullRun Group, a private investment company specializing in early stage business development. Mr Malhi brings a wealth of business and law enforcement experience to the management team and is cognizant of the issues of protecting individuals’ rights to privacy while maximizing public safety through law enforcement initiatives.
Dr. Raj Attariwala, MD, PhD., Chief Engineer
Dr. Attariwala is a Vancouver based dual board certified Radiologist and Nuclear Medicine physician certified in both Canada and the United States. He holds a doctorate in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University. Dr. Attariwala has worked closely with the breath testing technology developed by the Karolinska Institute and Dr. Olof Beck. He is the lead engineer on product design and patent applications for the WP THC Breathalyzer technology.
Dr. Bruce Goldberger, PhD, Senior Advisor
Dr. Goldberger is a professor, and the director of toxicology for the Department of Pathology, Immunology and Laboratory Medicine in the College of Medicine at the University of Florida. Dr. Goldberger is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Analytical Toxicology; the president of the American Board of Forensic.
Rav Mlait, MBA – CEO, Director
Mr. Mlait has extensive experience in managing and raising capital for public and private companies. Mr. Mlait holds an MBA from Royal Roads University in British Columbia with a specialization in Executive Management and his BA (Economics) from Simon Fraser University and has worked with public companies listed on the TSX and TSX Venture exchange.
Bryan Loree BA, CMA -CFO, Director
Mr. Loree has held various senior accounting roles for public and private companies in various industries including, renewable energy, exploration, and construction. During this time he has also performed capital raising activities for both private and public companies, primarily in the exploration and renewable energy sectors. Prior to entering the accounting field, Mr. Loree spent three years as an investor relations manager for public exploration companies and two years in the banking industry. Mr. Loree holds a Certified Management Accountant designation, a Financial Management Diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology, and a BA from Simon Fraser University.
Andrew Davies, Advisor
Mr. Davies is a cannabinoid expert who has over 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and was instrumental in securing the first US IND for synthetic Cannabidiol (CBD) at Yale University. Andrew is a Chartered Mechanical Engineer and holds a BEng from the University of Liverpool and an International Executive MBA from the University of Middlesex Business School, London. Andrew is the CEO of STI Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a leading cannabinoid research company based in London, England. He is also a sought after speaker at cannabinoid conferences globally.
Supplementary Reading:
Zero Tolerance and Per Se Driving Laws
by Marijuana Policy Project
The Truth About Driving While Stoned
by Abby Haglage – Yahoo News Canada
(This is a great article documenting both sides of the driving under the influence of marijuana argument)
Working to Reduce Drugged Driving and Protect Public Health and Safety
by Office of National Drug Control Policy – Executive Office of the President
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Important: Our disclosure for this report on West Point Resources Inc. applies to the date this report was released to our subscribers (July 13, 2014) and posted on our website. This disclaimer will never be updated, even after we have sold all of our shares of West Point Resources Inc.
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All statements in this report, other than statements of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements. These statements relate to future events or future performance.
Forward-looking statements are often, but not always identified by the use of words such as “seek”, “anticipate”, “plan”, “continue”, “estimate”, “expect”, “may”, “will”, “project”, “predict”, “potential”, “targeting”, “intend”, “could”, “might”, “should”, “believe”, “budget”, “scheduled”, and similar expressions. Much of this report is comprised of statements of projection. Such statements or information involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond West Point Resources’ control, including general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; the willingness of third parties to sign agreements with West Point Resources on terms that are acceptable to management of West Point Resources, and the ability of West Point Resources to secure sufficient future funding to carry out all of its business plans.
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Risks and uncertainties respecting junior technology companies such as West Point Resources are generally disclosed in the annual financial or other filing documents of those and similar companies as filed with the relevant securities commissions, and should be reviewed by any reader of this report. In addition, with respect to any particular company, a number of risks relate to any statement of projection or forward statement.
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Prior to releasing this report, members of West Point Resources’ management had the opportunity to review its content for compliance and fact-checking purposes. We interviewed members of West Point Resources’ management in our research process for this report as well.
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Most companies featured in our newsletter, and on our website, are paying clients of ours (including West Point Resources Inc. – details in this disclaimer). In many cases, we own shares in the companies we feature. For those reasons, please be aware that we are extremely biased in regards to the companies we write about and feature in our newsletter and on our website.
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Maximus Strategic Consulting Inc., owner of, has been paid CDN$50,000 plus gst to provide online advertisement coverage for West Point Resources Inc. for a pre-paid six month online marketing agreement. The company (West Point Resources Inc.) has paid for this coverage. The coverage includes, but is not limited to, the creation and distribution of reports authored by about West Point Resources Inc. (reports such as this one), as well as display advertisements and news distribution about the company on our website and in our newsletter. This is our first report on West Point Resources Inc.. We (Maximus Strategic Consulting Inc., owner of subscribed to West Point Resources private placement. In that private placement, we purchased 500,000 units of West Point Resources Inc. at a price of $0.05 per unit. Each Unit is comprised of one common share (“Common Share”) at $0.05 cents, and one-half of one non-transferable common share purchase warrant (“Warrant”) exercisable at $0.10 cents per common share for a period of 12 months from the date of closing. All warrants are subject to an early acceleration provision which provides for the mandatory exercise or expiry of the Warrants in the event West Point Resources’ shares close at $0.13 or higher for at least 10 consecutive trading days. In such event, the Warrants will accelerate and expire 30 days after the Company has given notice of the accelerated conversion to the Warrant holders. All of the securities issued in the private placement are subject to a securities law hold period of 4 months and a day ending on November 1, 2014. We (Maximus Strategic Consulting Inc.) may buy more shares of West Point Resources following the release of this report. We (Maximus Strategic Consulting Inc.) intend to sell every share we own, as well as any shares we may purchase in the future, of West Point Resources for our own profit. All shares we (Maximus Strategic Consulting Inc.) currently own or purchase in the future of West Point Resources will be sold without notice to our subscribers. Please recognize that we are extremely biased when it comes to West Point Resources Inc.
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