There’s been much debate about whether or not we are witnessing the beginning of the end for the American Empire. There are certainly reasons to be concerned… from political division to rising taxes, a cost of living crisis, and a general theme that inflation will persist for many years due to endless deficit spending. One only has to glance at the afflictions or circumstances that brought the Roman Empire to its knees—economic instability, political corruption, and, ultimately, military decline. Many historical empires collapsed under similar circumstances the U.S. is experiencing today.

Andy Schectman shares his thoughts on why U.S. hegemony is declining…

BRICS Take Control of World’s Key Commodities

Similar to the Germanic tribes, which spread the Romans thin with frequent invasions, the BRICS are continuing to undermine the U.S. dollar globally. Furthermore, the Germanic tribes made it nearly impossible for the Romans to defend their borders, ultimately leading to military collapse.

While the U.S. is not there yet, as it still holds the world reserve currency and most powerful military, Schectman explains how the BRICS, led by China, have garnered majority control of the world’s key commodities. He describes how they’ve achieved this, and what it could mean for the U.S. dollar in the future, as well as Americans’ quality of life.

China’s Expansion Signals American Decline Globally

Throughout Africa, China’s influence is on the rise as the CCP are striking deals and investing billions in new infrastructure projects, many of which provide access to vast natural resources and critical maritime channels. On his recent trip to Morocco, Aaron noticed a prevailing economic theme in the northern African nation… China’s widespread presence there.

Morocco’s trade with China has surged over 500% in the last decade. China’s Belt and Road Initiative has turned the Tangier Med port into the largest in Africa, handling over 4.5 million containers annually. This massive investment gives China a significant foothold in northern Africa…

Higher Taxes Signal Economic Uncertainty

Heavy taxation was a foundational reason Rome’s economic instability toppled the regime. Between ever-rising taxes, inflation, and a reliance on slave labor, the Roman economy was doomed.

The U.S., for all its ingenuity, still has one of the most resilient economies in the world; however, taxes across much of the U.S. continue to rise unabated. The latest example of a push for higher taxes can be found in Oregon, where a flat tax is being proposed on all transactions above $25 million.

Measure 118, the Oregon Rebate Political Action Committee, received its first significant contribution since qualifying for the November ballot: $100,000 from Dylan Hirsch-Shell, a former Tesla engineer currently running for mayor of San Francisco… why does he care about Oregon?

Alex argues that the problem with many of these tax plans is that corporations will likely raise their prices or leave for a more tax-friendly environment.

Neverending tax hikes brought Rome to its knees, as inflation and a loss of confidence in the currency, the political system, and the military ultimately ended the empire. To avoid an American decline, the US will need to get its deficit spending under control and find common ground among its citizenry.